- array(data, dims)
array with data x; specify dimensions like dim=c(3,4,2); elements of x recycle if x is not long enough
- cbind(...)
combine arguments by columns for matrices, data frames, and others
- data.frame(...)
create a data frame of the named or unnamed arguments; data.frame(v=1:4,ch=c(
- factor(x, levels = )
encodes a vector x as a factor
- gl(n, k, length = n*k, labels = 1:n)
generate levels (factors) by specifying the pattern of their levels; k is the number of levels, and n is the number of replications
- list(...)
create a list of the named or unnamed arguments; list(a=c(1,2),b=
- matrix(data, nrow = , ncol = , byrow = )
matrix; elements of x recycle
- rbind(...)
combine arguments by rows for matrices, data frames, and others
- rep(x, times)
replicate x times; use each= to repeat “each” element of x each times; rep(c(1,2,3),2) is 1 2 3 1 2 3; rep(c(1,2,3),each=2) is 1 1 2 2 3 3
- seq(from, to, by = )
generates a sequence by= speci?es increment
- seq(from, to, len = )
generates a sequence length=speci?es desired length
- с(...)
generic function to combine arguments with the default forming a vector; with recursive=TRUE descends through lists combining all elements into one vector